Women in Turning (WIT) is the newest special interest group (SIG) of the ASWT, bringing together the opportunity of our women members who share a passion for woodturning. WIT is dedicated to encouraging and assisting women in their pursuit of turning, to sharing ideas and processes to further members’ skills and creativity, and to increasing participation of women in the field of woodturning.
WIT itself is a committee of the American Association of Woodturners. The AAW WIT committee consists of a chairwoman appointed by the AAW President and the committee which she selects. The ASWT chapter of WIT includes an ASWT Sub Chapter Coordinator, who will be focusing on items that may benefit all turners, but be of special interest to women turners. We are in the early phases of this special interest group and would welcome new turners into our group.
Some current and past projects associated with the WIT SIG include a number of forums on embellishment of turnings, including a special segment on pyrography (controlled burning), as well as bowl shapes and designs.